Tuesday, October 24, 2006

WEMBA Term 3 : Weekend 1

The 3 week break between terms went by WAY too fast!

This weekend started on Thursday (a bonus day) with a great guest lecture by Martha Rogers, co-author of Return on Customer. The lecture was optional but I'm definitely glad I attended. It provided valuable insights into understanding the value of a customer and using this to make decisions.

Thursday afternoon was dedicated to "team switching" activities. First, I said goodbye to my old team (Bruce, Chad, Holly, Karthik and Manish) and then met my new team (Baoshu, Chris, Michael and Reneta). It was definitely hard for the old team to "end" our time together, but such is life...new relationships are inevitable!

Friday it was time to meet the new professors and experience Term 3 classes - Managerial Accounting, Global Financial Management and Global Economic Environment of the Firm. It's still early to tell, but Global Financial Management course may be the hardest course this term.

This was definitely a transition weekend - a new team and new courses.

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