Saturday, July 2, 2005


I started today with "CFMX Mobile SMS Applications Made Easy". It was interesting to see the possibilities opened with this functionality in CF 7. After this, I attended the House of Fusion's book auction in the sponsor area. I can't believe that more people didn't show up for this! Maybe it was because there was a session going on simultaneously? At any rate, I won a couple of good titles at very good prices. The most valuable to me professionally will be a SQL Server performance tuning book with a cover price of $50 that I won for $20.

Following the book auction, I attended to "CF in Government" session to see if there was anything valuable that would also apply to an educational environment, but there really wasn't. It turned out to be more of a marketing presentation than anything else. But, hey - free CF 10th birthday t-shirt to add to the collection! Lunch was next on the agenda.

After lunch, New Atlanta presented the keynote on Blue Dragon. I haven't really used it before, but it does have a lot of great features and is available for free (with limitations). I especially liked the advanced debugging features that are coming in a future release (most likely not free).

I closed the day with an overview of Farcry, a CF based CMS (free). For being free, Farcry has a ton of functionality and looks like it would be really cool for template driven sites.

The wrap-up was next. The remaining presenters (very few) were honored on stage as well as closing comments. Then came the prize giveways. I didn't win anything (forgot my survey) but Stacey won the biggest prize (a full version of CFMX 7 = $1200) after saying that she never wins anything! Go, Stacey!

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