Friday, July 1, 2005


Today opened with "Designing and Coding for Search Engines". This session pointed out several issues relating to how to improve your site's ranking, some of which I was aware of, others that I wasn't.

After this, I attended "SQL Server Performance Tuning", which I would say was the most relevant session to my current work projects. I felt like I would be happy if this session went on for the rest of the day, or better yet - a whole week!

The keynote was next - from Microsoft on the future of IIS. MS seems to be incorporating many of the features that Apache has had for years into its IIS 7 release, and it's about time! I particularly enjoyed the ability to monitor individual requests that will be part of the new IIS.

After lunch, I hit the gym again and took a break before going to "Consuming Popular Web Services". It was interesting to see how the incorporation of external data has evolved from screen scraping to SOAP and how everything seems to be moving in the direction of web services.

I closed the day's sessions with another search engine optimization presentation as well as an overview of Flash and .NET integration on the desktop before dinner (cool). After dinner, I went to the blog readers/writers BOF session (a bit late) followed by the CF birthday event on the terrace of the hotel. Free beer and wine, and cake! A busy, but good day!

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