Thursday, December 3, 2009

My First Marathon!

Well, I did it!!!

Months of training finally paid off when I finished my first marathon (and beat my time goal) on Sunday! Yes, I ran the Space Coast Marathon *all 26.2 miles* in sunny Cocoa, FL (about 45 min from Orlando).

I was ready to start by 4 AM (though the race didn't actually start until 6 AM)...ask Stacia about that one! The weather was picture perfect for the run along the Indian River shoreline that started out in the dark for abut the first 45 minutes or so. At 13.1, I was doing great and could have beat my PR for a half (by a wide margin) if I didn't have another 13+ ahead of me! Miles 21-26 were brutal...I fell back by two pace groups in this span. But, I stretched and walked to avoid injury and ultimately prevailed!

Here are the pics of the day, courtesy of MarathonFoto (I just ordered the digital versions).

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