Thursday, December 3, 2009

My First Marathon!

Well, I did it!!!

Months of training finally paid off when I finished my first marathon (and beat my time goal) on Sunday! Yes, I ran the Space Coast Marathon *all 26.2 miles* in sunny Cocoa, FL (about 45 min from Orlando).

I was ready to start by 4 AM (though the race didn't actually start until 6 AM)...ask Stacia about that one! The weather was picture perfect for the run along the Indian River shoreline that started out in the dark for abut the first 45 minutes or so. At 13.1, I was doing great and could have beat my PR for a half (by a wide margin) if I didn't have another 13+ ahead of me! Miles 21-26 were brutal...I fell back by two pace groups in this span. But, I stretched and walked to avoid injury and ultimately prevailed!

Here are the pics of the day, courtesy of MarathonFoto (I just ordered the digital versions).

Friday, September 18, 2009

San Francisco - Running Utopia!

I did a lot of running in San Francisco...the most running I have ever done in a vacation locale!

It was simply a running utopia and I can't wait to go back. Weather = prefect...trails = pure awesome! Below is a synopsis...

Run 1: Market Street, The Embarcadero, Crissy Field, Chinatown, Little Italy

From Running in San Francisco

From Running in San Francisco

From Running in San Francisco

Started from Union Square, headed South to Market Street through financial district. Followed Market Street to The Embarcadero at Ferry Terminal. Followed Embarcadero to Pier 39/Fisherman's Wharf and observed eerie quietness of tourist area without tourists (or homeless beggars). On to Fort Mason overlook and then to Crissy Field for pure bliss watching other runners (and dogs) with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. After pausing for a moment (or two) to admire the view, I hesitantly make a u-turn to head back toward center city. Instead of heading back to Market Street, I decide to hang a right at Powell since that will take me to Union Sq (shortcut)? This leads me up a hill toward Little Italy and then Chinatown (and another hill)! Needless to say, the hills DON'T STOP. Finally, I reach a plateau and head down the home stretch back to Union Sq. Distance: 9.2 mi.

Run 2: Market Street, The Embarcadero Loop

From Running in San Francisco

Started again from Union Square. Quick run today following same path as above but stopped just after Fisherman's Wharf at Old Casino. However, I made the complete loop back up Market. No Powell Street hill for me this time! Distance: 6.1 mi.

Run 3: The Marina, Crissy Field, Golden Gate Bridge, Cable Car

From Running in San Francisco

From Running in San Francisco

From Running in San Francisco

From Running in San Francisco

From Running in San Francisco

Today was perfection. Woke up around 4:45 AM (PST). Left Union Square hotel in a cab to get jump start from Fort Mason. Warmed up at Fort Mason and Marina while still in the dark. Headed toward Crissy Field and saw groups in training from local Road Runners club as well as Tai Chi. Continued along Crissy Field to Fort Point and then up trail to bridge crossing/toll plaza/gift shop. Time was 6:45 AM. Headed out across bridge and was in awe of calmness and clarity of the sky. Water beneath also relatively calm. Noted crisis signs along bridge and seismic retrofit zones. Stopped to watch sunrise at mid-bridge (beautiful). Upon crossing, stopped at Vista Point for some hydration and views of San Francisco skyline across bay. Knowing I had to run back there, geared up for the second leg. The way back was much quicker partially due to fewer photo ops and downhills vs uphills. Ran reverse to Fort Mason then slightly beyond to Ghiradelli Square. Caught a cable car donated by Atari! back to Union Square to check out of hotel and then to SFO for flight back East. This was by far a signature run and maybe the best ever tied with the Potomac/National Mall run in DC! Distance: 11.3 mi.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nickelback In Raleigh

I had a great time with Stacia at the Nickelback show @ Walnut Creek in Raleigh last night.

Unfortunately, the weather proved to be the sole negative of the was just a pure gross combination of heat and humidity. Luckily, Nickelback didn't take the stage until after dark - making it *somewhat* more tolerable. The opening acts included Hinder, Papa Roach, and Saving Abel though we didn't arrive early enough to see them all (no loss IMO).

Here's a pic from our vantage on the lawn...

Nickelback @ Walnut Creek

From Nickelback's "If Today Was Your Last Day"

My best friend gave me the best advice
He said each day's a gift and not a given right
Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind
And try to take the path less traveled by
That first step you take is the longest stride

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Brasa Steakhouse

On Thursday night, I headed out to Brasa Steakhouse @ Brier Creek for a team work dinner.

This is an awesome place for experience-oriented dining and the food was without a doubt top notch. There are several options available, including a fully stocked buffet - but in the theme of typical Brazilian steakhouse, meats are carved tableside on long skewers...and they keep on coming until you flip your coaster over to the red side (from green). I think I had about 12 servings of meat. Yum! Brasa is highly recommended and is only about 5 minutes from RDU Int'l for anyone traveling to the Triangle.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Motivational Cat

The picture says it all...take me to work for motivation!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry