Thursday, October 16, 2008

Baltimore Half Marathon : Completed

Well, I finally did it!

I completed my second half marathon last weekend in Baltimore. This time (unlike the first) everything went incredibly smooth and without injury!

It could not have been a better weekend...

I flew up to BWI after work on Friday, then grabbed the Light Rail to Camden Yards. Once there, I picked up my race materials and checked in to the hotel. I then got some shrimp pasta (for fuel) at Tir Na Nog Irish Pub @ the Inner Harbor and hung out there for a while before heading back to the hotel for some shut eye.

On Saturday, I headed back to the Inner Harbor for the start of the run. The 13.1 mile journey started at 9:45 sharp. The temperature was about 60 degrees at race start. As for the course itself, there were definitely several hills so I was very happy with my finishing time of 1:57:06 - under my goal of < 2 hours.

The people of Baltimore, regardless of the neighborhood we were running through, were very supportive in cheering all runners on. On a personal note, I haven't heard as many "Go Duke" cheers in quite a while (I was wearing my Duke running shirt). At any rate, the people of Baltimore were out in full force, providing everything from misting stations for cooling off to gummy bears for much needed fuel. It was great to see such a supportive crowd.

After the race, it was time to relax. I collected my finisher's medal and recharged with some fluids before checking out of the hotel. I then hung out back at the Inner Harbor for the afternoon where I had a great lunch (crab cakes) at Phillips. They were amazing. Then it was off to BWI for the short flight home to RDU (42 minutes on SWA).

It's amazing how much you can do in 24 hours!

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