Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Too Much Good Food!

The unlimited culinary delights of the R. David Thomas Center buffet during MBA class weekends at Duke finally took its toll on my waistline.

I gained somewhere between 10 and 15 pounds since the start of the program a little over a year ago!

Needless to say, I need to shed these pounds to avoid replacing last summer's clothes. It's already getting *hot* in NC (yesterday was our first 90+ degree day of 2007)!

So, I've been following the South Beach Diet for a little over two weeks now. It helps that my chicky is also following the diet to keep me in line. So far, I've lost 8.2 pounds overall!

Of course, since I'm an MBA student, I *must* include a graph of my progress. Funny...it looks a little like Enron's stock price before its total collapse!

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