Thursday, December 23, 2004

Kiawah Island

Our trip to Kiawah Island, SC was to run my first half marathon.

Stacey and I drove down on a Friday afternoon to our villa at the private golf resort. The drive there was very quick and non-eventful, as we have made the journey down I-95 several times in the past. Without holiday traffic it's easy to go 85-90 mph the whole way and make great time. We made the 320 mile trip in a little over 4 hours, including two short stops.

Upon arriving at the villa, we ate dinner and just relaxed with Matt and Shannon, and Jingles (the Chihuahua) who we split the two bedroom condo with.

The next morning, I ran the half marathon (in a little over two hours). I had a bad leg cramp ant around mile 10, and consequently sprained my hamstring, but all in all I was happy with my performance. The island was beautiful to run on, and I think I'm going to start looking for our second home (condos there are $650K and homes are only $1M-2.5M+)!

After cleaning up from the run at the villa, we decided to head into Charleston for the rest of the day for dinner and some much needed walking. We ate dinner at T-Bonz on the Market and walked the streets and market of the historic district. After grabbing a much needed Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks for dessert, we headed back (me in pain) to Kiawah for a good night's sleep before our drive back to Raleigh the next morning.

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