If you haven't ever checked out Meosphere, you really should. It's a place to list all the things you've done, places you've been, etc. and then get a snapshot of it all.
One of my colleagues shared the following story with me, which I missed on NPR Monday since I was trying out the traffic features of my new Navigon GPS.
It's definitely interesting to see how Venice is coping with the threat of rising sea levels. I haven't been to Venice but hope to get there soon and wouldn't want it to be submerged before I have the chance (or ever, for that matter)!
I started off 2008 with one of my resolutions being to run more in the new year.
So why not start off with a 5K on New Year's Day? I did just that and actually didn't did fairly well following a time when I hadn't been running regularly!
The finishing times have been posted and my official time clocks in at 25:36 for a pace of 8:15. Like I said, I'm looking forward to many more running events in 2008.
One of my New Year's resolutions for 2008 is to blog more often...so I'm starting on the first day of the year!
I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve celebration and wish you all the best in 2008. It looks to be an exciting year at the Rogan house, now that the Duke MBA program is in the past.
2007 was a good (but crazy) year and I'm looking forward to what 2008 will bring!