Saturday, January 2, 2010

8 Miles Down...2002 to Go!

I ran a quick 5 miler yesterday on New Year's Day and a little over 3 today due to brutal Northwest winds accompanying an arctic air mass that moved into NC overnight! At least my pace is picking up (shaved about 30 seconds a mile off)!

I'm looking for a good mile countdown to show my progress as a widget...stay tuned!

Friday, January 1, 2010

First Resolution of the New Year : Run 2010...Literally!

My first resolution of the New Year relates to running...surprised? I didn't think so! :)

Well, I've decided to set a goal of running at least 2010 miles to mark the arrival of a new decade. How far is 2010 miles? It's like driving to NYC from Raleigh, making a u-turn...then...rinse and repeat! That's right, *two* round trips to NYC from Raleigh is just about 2010 miles.

Stay tuned for updates on my progress!

Happy New Year!