Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Heat Is Back!


The temperature at RDU Airport has hit 101 degrees, which beats the existing July 7 record of 100 degrees.

Stay cool!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Running Goal Check In!

Well, I've managed to log 182 miles to date in 2010. Needless to say, I'm off my goal - in large part due to the crazy weather we've had in North Carolina (read: lots of snow and ice...go figure)! Here's to a productive Spring!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

8 Miles Down...2002 to Go!

I ran a quick 5 miler yesterday on New Year's Day and a little over 3 today due to brutal Northwest winds accompanying an arctic air mass that moved into NC overnight! At least my pace is picking up (shaved about 30 seconds a mile off)!

I'm looking for a good mile countdown to show my progress as a widget...stay tuned!

Friday, January 1, 2010

First Resolution of the New Year : Run 2010...Literally!

My first resolution of the New Year relates to running...surprised? I didn't think so! :)

Well, I've decided to set a goal of running at least 2010 miles to mark the arrival of a new decade. How far is 2010 miles? It's like driving to NYC from Raleigh, making a u-turn...then...rinse and repeat! That's right, *two* round trips to NYC from Raleigh is just about 2010 miles.

Stay tuned for updates on my progress!

Happy New Year!