Wednesday, November 14, 2007

WEMBA Graduation

In a little more than 2 days, I'll officially be a Duke MBA grad!!!

I looked back at my previous blog posts and noticed that I haven't posted anything related to the WEMBA program since Term 4!

Well, the simple reason is that Term 5 was action packed and didn't include the usual break. Along with several trips (including 2 weeks in Asia), my ability to blog was severely impaired... :)

With that being said, Saturday is THE day! I'm so excited to be finally graduating and moving on to the next stage of life, whatever that may bring!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm Back!

The subject line pretty much says it all...I've returned from a long "blog vacation"!

What can I say? I've just been completely swamped with the end of the Duke MBA program, an exciting trip to China and East Asia, and last (but certainly not least) an awesome cruise to the Bahamas to celebrate the end of classes!

I have much to share and will try my best to catch everyone up in the days ahead with my newfound free time!

I hope you're all doing great!