Friday, April 27, 2007

Tasha & Ripley - YouTube Stars!

You have to check out our two cats, Tasha and Ripley, in their YouTube premier!

Of course, they are instant stars!

Special thanks to Stacia for filming the video (her first masterpiece)!

Monday, April 23, 2007

WEMBA Term 4 : Weekends 1-5

What happened? My plan to blog each class weekend seriously fell apart this term. I think there just wasn't enough time....or I didn't *make* time.

At any rate, here's the scoop...

Term 4 Courses:
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Organizational Design (Leadership)
  • Operations Management
This is by far the most interesting term for me personally. The Leadership course will help anyone and the other two are directly relevant to what I'd like to do after the program.

It's hard to believe that the end of core courses is now in sight. In one more month, 6 electives will be the only thing standing between me and and a Duke MBA!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

In Memoriam - Virginia Tech

Being so active on a college campus in proximity to Virginia Tech, I cannot begin to imagine the grief and atmosphere currently being experienced by the VT community.

Please take a moment to visit the online memorial set up at and remember those that needlessly lost their lives in this unspeakable tragedy.

One of my classmates at Duke sent this image that I thought I would share.

It speaks for itself...

"Today we are all Hokies."